pics (doug jaques)

I like the sense of movement in this drawing. The figure on the ground looks lost in his thoughts, maybe the image behind is his thoughts...I would love to see this on a large scale so that I could view the detail, and so that the markings were more visuable. I've so been unable to read the writing underneath the image, which is extremely intriguing. If any is awhere of how I can enlarge the image without it pixilation, or where I can find it on a larger scale, please let me know.

(Right) Detail: XII Jesus Dies on the Cross by Doug Jaques
This is the image I was trying to load to my last post, typical computer decided that it would like to load my image, but JUST after I'd posted it...ah well hopefully its working now...
I feel as though there's a great strenght and power in this about of the painting, I like how Doug Jaques has used the light and transparence of the paint to suggest the glory and spiritual side of the crucixation, which a suggestion of the cross behind him., which is made of a vairety of colours which is stated in scriptures...
There in heaven stood a throne and on the throne sat one whose appearance was like the gleam of jasper and cornelian: and round the throne was a rainbow. bright as an emerald. (Revelation 4:2-3)
were as the cross with his human body on is black and would be non-existant if it wasnt for the light of Jesus shining over it.
The light shines in the dark, and the darkness has never mastered it. (John 1:5)"I am the light of the world. No follower of mine shall wander in the dark; he shall have the light of life. (John 8:12)
This is something I feel Doug Jaques has managed to convey in this painting.
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