Sunday, January 07, 2007

support for fellow christian artists

At soul survivor, a christian festival which happens once a year, there is always a small art exhibition, which was curated by Paul Hobbs last year, and this year there was a book to enter your contact details to form a support, but as of yet I've had nothing in response, and am unsure of how to contact.
However I have found two sites which do provide support for christian artists. I am hoping that through these I can learn more about fellow artists, who are working on similar themes to what I'm attempting to explore through my art work, and to hopefully find out about current exhibiting artists.
The Arts Centre Group, has been around for awhile, but are still in the process of expanding their online resources. I'm looking into the possibilities of being coming a member, but theres a cost involved. It looks like they are currently constructing an online magazine, and blog facilities, all sounds exciting.
The Christian Union has a part of their website dedicated to artists, offering support through events, and prayer, as well as providing resources and information about professional artists as encouragement.


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