Well I've just spent ages attempting to figure out how to add links, think I've achieved my mission! I will over time attempt to add links to sites which I find interesting and enjoy. If possible I'll attempt to write alittle about them as well...
I'm new to all this, and not really sure what I'm doing, or even more to the point what I'm saying, so please bare with me! Like I said this is for part of my course. Not a hundred percent sure what I'm meant to be posting...but here goes..a little background info on me...
Art as always been a part of my life. From an early age my parents were determined that my sister and I would never be bored, so to do this our house was full of random art things, and we had our own art cupboard. Which was extremely exciting as a kid, especially as none of our friends had one. So its always been there and existed without reason to question why, it just is and was. I'm not sure I really understand why I love art, I guess its the enjoyment of being able to create something which despite how much someone else could try, they would never be able to recreate it, and because it allows you chance to escape into a new unknown world which you the artist are in complete control of. I paint because its something that despite all my problems in the past, I've been able to continue with and has been an escape from life, which has helped me through. I have no desire to become a professional artist. My work is a part of me, and not for sale. Most of my work has a personal meaning which is why I enjoy creating it in the first place! I'm hoping to use my skills as an artist to work with people with difficulties, whether physical or mental problems. I'm currently looking into the possibilties of becoming an art theorapist. As for understanding the art world which surrounds us, it completely baffles me, and probably always will!